Michael “Mike” Lathigee sees economic trends in transition and makes projections on the direction of the economy and how to yield the highest returns or sometimes take a defensive position for your portfolio. Some of his projections have yielded thousands of percentage points in returns.

Mike Lathigee News
Thoughts by Club Member, Terri Salvatore, about Mike Lathigee and ICOA.
April 7, 2024
Strategy. Integrity. Heart. These are three words that come to mind when describing ICOA. StrategyMike explains each opportunity from a strategic perspective, with a broad view of how current events tie in with the attraction of a potential investment. IntegrityThe club is honest and transparent with respect to the structuring of each investment. HeartICOA makes […]
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Mike Lathigee News News
Helping Hand
January 16, 2024
Vegas is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winder. The homeless suffer through all of this. In many cases a cold lead to pneumonia and many perish in harsh conditions. The homeless currently need warm clothes, blankets, and hygiene product. If you can donate any of these things, please send an […]
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Mike Lathigee News News
Mike Passes out blankets to the homeless.
December 21, 2023
In Las Vegas there are many homeless people.    It is cold at night and many of these people get pneumonia and other illnesses due to the freezing weather  and sometimes die.  The simple act of giving a blanket or a jacket greatly assists them.  If you can help and donate blankets or jackets or warm […]
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Mike Lathigee News News
Dear Nevada Judicial Review,
August 13, 2022
I am not surprised by the total disregard for a valid complaint and further proof that cronyism is alive and well at Nevada Judicial Review.  I will point out just a few of your false statement in your response to deny my complaint.  In regards to your dismissal of Judge Harter not showing up for […]
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Mike Lathigee News News
August 13, 2022
Members,In the coming months the market will soon be flooded by tens of thousands of spare houses nobody can afford.  And homebuilders will have no choice but to slash prices to sell them.If things don’t change their course immediately, we are likely going to see the beginnings of a REAL ESTATE implosion this year and […]
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Mike Lathigee News
ICOA Mike Economic Outlook
July 27, 2022
Members,I just wanted to drop a quick note on a few of my thoughts on what is happening in the economy and offer a little guidance.Inflation is at its highest level since 1981. We have seen a huge increase in energy prices which is having the biggest impact on inflation. Officially inflation is reported to […]
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Mike Lathigee News News
June 26, 2022
Dear Mike, I just wanted to take the time to formally thank you for supporting my efforts to understand & deal with the dubious Golf Dome investment property failure. Between your internet posts regarding Phoenix Land Ventures, the additional information you shared, the guidance & encouragement, and legal connections in Canada you exposed the real […]
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Thoughts by Club Member, Terri Salvatore, about Mike Lathigee and ICOA.
October 20, 2021
Strategy. Integrity. Heart. These are three words that come to mind when describing ICOA. StrategyMike explains each opportunity from a strategic perspective, with a broad view of how current events tie in with the attraction of a potential investment. IntegrityThe club is honest and transparent with respect to the structuring of each investment. HeartICOA makes […]
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Mike Lathigee News News
A note from Club President, Mike Lathigee
October 5, 2021
I am closely monitoring the property developer crisis in China. The big question for all of us is – will it implode and cause another financial crisis similar to what we saw in 2008.I don’t think so, because American banksdo not have exposure to Chinese banks.  The very interesting thing is this is a deliberate […]
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Mike Lathigee News
Afghanistan Women lose all rights under Taliban and Biden is a Disgrace
August 19, 2021
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Mike Lathigee News News Videos
Why the title companies will be out of business!
July 23, 2021
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Mike Lathigee News News
Freedom Fest 2021
July 20, 2021
Members! Our club follows a Libertarian Philosophy.  Mark Skousen is a member of our investment club and on Wikipedia is recognized as one of top living economists today.   He has written dozens of books and is internationally sought after for his leadership in Economics and Libertarianism. This is my favorite conference and in fact in […]
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Mike Lathigee News
June 11, 2021
Bonehead Biden’s spending is completely out of control.   It is easy to make people happy when you spend money, but he is spending money we don’t have.  Imagine a CEO spending far more money than his/her company makes.  He/she would be out of business and/or thrown out as incompetent.   But not Bonehead Biden.   We are […]
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Mike Lathigee News
Vancouver Sun Reporter writes False and Misleading information about Mike Lathigee
March 27, 2021
Please see the complete email thread with Vancouver Reporter, Gordon Hoekstra. He has written the same story four times and refused to print a retraction on his inaccurate reporting —–Original Message—– From: Chairman@highmarklv.com <Chairman@highmarklv.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 4:26 PM To: ‘Hoekstra, Gordon’ <GHoekstra@postmedia.com> Cc: kderosa@postmedia.com; info@vancouversun.com; mrobinson@postmedia.com; lculbert@postmedia.com; sbrown@postmedia.com Subject: RE: Vancouver Sun: […]
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Articles Mike Lathigee News
ICOA guides on how to make money in the Commercial Real Estate Market
March 3, 2021
Video ICOA Webinar – Feb 24 With a focus on the impact of Covid on the overall Real Estate market Part 1 Overview Renaming airports is a prime example of how our government spends time and money on actions that have no real value to all – but a very few. As one of the […]
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