Financial Service Industry

The Las Vegas Investment Club takes a strong stance (related to its concerns) and provides an alternative – to the abuses perpetuated by the financial services industry. It is our position that an investor, who depends on the financial services industry for their financial future, is embarking on a long slow road to the poor house. This video is a “must watch” for any serious investor.

You will learn how this investment club is attaining high returns that (for the most part) the financial services industry would say – is not possible without high risk. We say “they are wrong!”

In this video we discuss a scam administered by one of the large banks that recently was required to pay a huge fine.
Yet the ‘head of marketing’ who oversaw the department that ran this scam, retired with a 9 digit bonus – and did not have to return a dime – for heading up the scam! As consumers and investors is it time to say “Enough is Enough!!!”

In our opinion the financial services industry is not in the business of “money management” but in the business of “money under management”
Watch this video to find out the devastating consequences this business model has on your portfolio – over time. There are good people and good companies in the industry, however; it is our position that investors must develop more personal empowerment by educating themselves to the reality of this system and then find alternatives.