ICOA guides on how to make money in the Commercial Real Estate Market


ICOA Webinar – Feb 24

With a focus on the impact of Covid on the overall Real Estate market


Part 1 Overview
Renaming airports is a prime example of how our government spends time and money on actions that have no real value to all – but a very few.

As one of the busiest and best known airports in the world, McCarran is doing well. 
Changing the signage and branding alone would cost millions. 
Here we have a prime example of a divisive politician achieving his agenda by getting the support of his ‘cronies’ in Clark County.

Part 2 Overview
With a view on specific areas within the Continental US
With a focus on
The Commercial Real Estate market
& the impact of Covid

Companies have had to deal with issues
never encountered before
– all this in an ever changing political
and legal environment
That said, certain sectors have (and will)
continue to benefit
In other sectors the fallout from failures will present bargain basement ‘brick and mortar’ purchase opportunities 

Uncertainty seems to prevail!
And yet, the market will adapt in foreseeable ways presenting diverse opportunities

Also, there will be an (almost fundamentally ‘cultural’) adaptation in the work place with the inevitable and now expedited move of workers away from centralized workspace (due to our access to a ‘virtual’ / viable workspace).

The health of residential rental spaces vary over the country; however, overall it remains
surprisingly stable.

Protocols within interior gathering spaces have evolved and become familiar and comfortable to the point where they may even remain
and become entrenched.

2021 may not reflect the full impact of recent events.

We may have to wait for another year to experience the full effects.
And we must pay attention to Interest rates and how the FED reacts

The phenomena of population decline in the larger cities has accelerated due to recent events. 
The macro view is that the dynamics of change has escalated to the point of continued disruption and yet, from a macro view,
– predictable going forward.

Commercial Real-estate and affordable housing are the hardest hit to date (in all of this) and certainly
will present opportunities
At this point we must be patient; however, the club is studying the landscape and will move when appropriate.

Please click on the link below
– to view this webinar:

Meeting FEB 24, 2021

Author, Artist, Speaker

Mike Lathigee