The 2021 ‘Kickoff’ Meeting

ICOA Members 
The 2021 ‘Kickoff’ meeting
Opening Remarks by Mike Lathigee 

In his opening remarks Mike does not mince words related to his view of the election
– its unfolding and results.

The president elect and his platform have alienated Libertarians in positioning them (we/us!) as not only radicals –
but also associating our position with that of the white supremacist movement.

Mike fears for a country in which our elected officials continue to be more successful at their (obvious) manipulation of powers – in pursuit of special interests (their own!)

The facts reflect that – forces were utilized to skew the election
in favour of Biden.

We are heading towards unprecedented censorship of our free speech – this done in plain view and for those few who seem interested –
it has created further divisions within our country

All the while our traditions and institutions continue to be eroded by – what can only be described as a leftist agenda.

To view the video
Please click on the link below:

ICOA Meeting / Jan 28, 2020 / Opening Remarks

Author, Artist, Speaker

Mike Lathigee