Mike Lathigee News
Something that is working well for our club president & he wants you to try it!
May 5, 2020

Like everyone, I was suffering with the “stay at home” orders & with all gyms closed – I was unable to get my usual exercise. This coupled with a continuing heavy workload had definitely increased my stress level. Feeling stressed and out of shape I ran an ad on craigslist to hire a trainer and had many responses.    The best candidate was Forest McDermott.  He has now been with me for 12 sessions and he trains me 3x a week for 90 minutes each. 
This guy is really good at what he does ….!

As I always disclose I have no vested interest in this referral other than “you are part of my tribe” and if something works for me I share it.  
Forest charges $75 for 90 minutes and COMES TO YOUR HOUSE.    
He is professional and knowledgeable.  Frankly. I am so confident in Forest that I will go so far as to say – if you are not happy, after a few sessions with him, I will cut you a refund check personally. 

I often times will push members out of their comfort zone by saying “start now”. In this case, whether it is 1x a week or several times a week – start now!   Health is one of the 4 pillars of the club and I want all members to live healthfully for as long as is possible.    I know many members don’t live in Las Vegas but I still encourage you to look at taking such an action step as hiring someone as your personal trainer.   You are all part of my tribe and I want you all to “live healthy”.  

Don’t be shy if you have not worked out in years because Forest is trained to help all members. He is aware many members are over 60 years of age and this is an area in which he specializes.
Below is some info about  Forest and a picture of both of us after my work out with him last night at my house.

As an ACE certified personal trainer Forest focus was mainly on athletes and bodybuilding competitors. 
As a body builder he competed in a number of shows while living in Hawaii. 
We all know that as we get older our bodies change and with that so do the things that matter to us and our personal goals. 

Becoming a firefighter and natural aging were the two main reasons he quit bodybuilding and went to functional training.
It was with the realization that, in order to live a better life and reach his goals, his training would have to change. 
So he switched to functional training; however, his main focus for clients is the same. That is that we should make the one body we’ve been given the best it can be.
Forest admits that he was extremely fortunate to be the son of a chiropractor/acupuncturist/masseuse and been exposed to a health directed philosophy at a very young age. 
Paired with a vast knowledge in nutrition and dietary needs he brings a comprehensive plan for clients.
Having lived an extremely athletic lifestyle, he’s also had many injuries and knows how to work with them, around them and in many cases heal them. 
He is also a certified EMT and has his BLS (aed/cpr) card, so his knowledge isn’t solely based on sports training, but also on training from the medical vantage point.
Currently in the hiring process with Las Vegas Fire & Rescue his long term goal is to work with Las Vegas Fire & Rescue, serve the community, and continue his training for clients. 
His primary training clientele are individuals like himself who are 40 and over, actively involved in creating a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a fitness and nutritional program that will allow for a healthy body and mind which in turn will provide an overall better life filled with longevity and much more active, and meaningful, years!!

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Mike Lathingee

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